Taken with the first camera I ever owned, a Praktica B200 with a Prakticar 50mm F/2.4 lens, loaded with Kodak Portra 400. Awaken after almost 15 years and working flawlessly. I decided to walk towards the river and back to home, city center. Early morning, nice light and a bit hazy.
The big viewfinder helps me while wearing glasses, most SLR camera’s are not suited for people wearing glasses! Lightmeter, transport etc. all working fine. I bought this Praktica B200 when it just appeared on the market, back in the 1980s.

So. Can I recommend this camera? Certainly! It’s a big heavy block of metal, but that’s what makes it fun. You definitely feel in control. The lenses are cheap as well as the bodies and still widely available.
Richard’s verdict: ★★★★★